Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Hello everyone

wow!my first post..uhhh, well i don't know what to tell y'all exactly but uh.. the blog's gonna be based on entertainment sort of like my group on facebook "The Live Dream Makers"...but not entirely though, cause it's gonna go a bit broader(general issues,articles and all that)...just anything that comes up and is worth posting..yea, that's pretty much it...sorry for not making my first post soo "PENG"...lol God is love, peace!


  1. owh gurrllll...gotcha back....telling kristen..she's in NY now...line changed..hope u have the new line...
    wow..the blog is amazing..getting mw thinking of getting one....

  2. hahah..thx.uhm yea, she changed it again? i spoke to her just last week..lets skype.
    anyways get ur own blog too, it'd be fun..i mistakenly followed myself..i don't know how to get it off..jeess..i'm the site out..lol.thx for being the first "commentor" lol

  3. Well, i think its just so cool you have a blog. Thats awesome. Keep up with the world..
