Friday, January 28, 2011

Willow Smith shoots of ‘21st centuary’ Music video

The new hairstyle is super dope, feeling the whole yellow braid extensions…. Looks like its gonna be the whole family video kinda thing. LOL From the photos, I can say the song is gonna be another work-the-body kinda song. And yea, my Simrin is doing her thing out there. Here’s a Preview of 21st Centuary Girl Single

Owh, and we think WIllow is missing a tooth! haha!

Me and Nicki Minaj ;

Though this post is supposed to be personal, just wanna share some thoughts cus I love Nicki Minaj so much. I haven’t gotten the chance to meet her neither have I spoken to her… YET, YES I said it ‘YET!!!’ cus I believe I will MEET her someday and we’ll talk. She’s such an inspiration. The greatest thing I learnt from her is in life I’m to put God first, My Mom (family) second, then School third. If there’s the need for a change of order, I should always make sure I put God first, Mum and school can rotate. Nicki is the only musician that has really gotten to me so hard I don’t even see her as a musician but like my second mom, she comes in with grand style different from other musicians. She interacts with her fans, not that she's supposed to but she chose to! A few lists of the funny things that fascinate me about Nicki are; The funny facial expressions, The English Accent, Her Alter Egos. OMG, all those knock me down fast…gosh, I love doing stuffs like that, I love making goofy faces for the camera, me and my big brother try almost every day to talk like the English, and sometimes I just pretend I’m in a separate world of my own with some weird other Me’s and people that love and care about me. I thought I was weird, then I met Nicki’s Barbie (sweet Innocent girl), Roman, and Martha (Roman’s Mom)…. and the others...She’s hilarious!!! I think Nicki should get an African Alter Ego too. That'd be crazy :'D
Nicki Minaj is not an obsession, she is my NEWEST INSPIRATION and I’m proud to be a #teamMinaj! BELEEDAT!

Willow Smith Stars In New Annie!!!!

Well done Jay Z, Will Smith and the others, thanks to them, Willow is gonna play the role of Annie in a remake version of the 80’s movie Annie… Though it kinda hurts there’s gonna be another Annie, [my #2 favorite movies of all time] as long as its Willow, it’s OK. All Willow needed was some fame from the movie production sector . However there are some negative responses from the public, yea yea so what, I remember ‘The Karate Kid’ remake (starring Jayden Smith) had the same negative responses but ‘BOHA’ , the movie did well in Box Office… who knows, this might also produce same results or even better. The Smith family are indeed a family of super stars.


Sorry guys that I went MIA for over a month…. HAPPY NEW YEAR DREAM MAKERS! I spent the Christmas with the family and was the best family time ever. Back to school now so a lot of posts are coming in. Stay blessed….remember 2011 is a year of harvest…we’all are harvesting.

PS I didn’t get any new gadget over the holidays L